Tiger Woods Lindsey Vonn: Olympic Skiier Admits She's A 'Little Crazy',' Has 'Screws Loose' [VIDEO]

Lindsey Vonn, the first lady to openly date Tiger Woods in the wake of his infidelity scandal, is proudly boasting she's always been a little crazy.

"I've got a couple of screws loose, you know, I'm definitely a little crazy," Vonn recently told LarryBrownSports.com "I love going fast. It's something I've always loved to do. I crash all the time. It's part of the job description... It doesn't faze me, it doesn't bother me. I fell, it was a bigger fall than normal and now I'm getting back up."

Vonn readily admits to the website that her wacky ways can sometimes backfire, such as the recent incident where she put a squirrel on Woods' shoulder while he was in the middle of competing in the President's Cup.

"It was bad timing on my part," Vonn told LarryBrownSports. "He was very concentrated, of course, on his shot and he was more annoyed than anything. But he thought it was really funny. I mean my whole goal was to try to scare him, clearly it did not work."

Woods' marriage to his first wife, Elin Nordegren, infamously ended in divorce after as many as 15 women publicly claimed that they were involved in a sexual relationship with the world's top ranked golfer.

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