DMX, George Zimmerman celebrity boxing match cancelled amid public protest [VIDEO]

The George Zimmerman vs. rap star DMX celebrity boxing match has been canceled amid a firestorm of public outrage, according to TMZ.

The website reports the unnamed promoter working the fight now claims his conscience simply would not allow him to continue advancing the bout. TMZ adds the promoter posted on Twitter Saturday that he now realizes there's "more to life than money." He later added "just looked at my son and daughter today, wow I'm so lucky those people must be in so much pain ... all you people are right."

A self-appointed neighborhood watch commander Zimmerman became a public figure in 2012 after he shot and killed unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin steps away from the front door of his father's gated community home.

Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder and later controversially acquitted, but not before admitting that he ignored a police dispatcher's stern advice to cease with following and confronting the teen he thought looked suspicious simply because he was wearing a hoodie.

Talk of a celebrity match involved Zimmerman became a hot-button issue after he went public with his desires to fight fellow rap star Kanye West because he despises the way he routinely attacks "defenseless people."

During the short-lived promotion of their now canceled fight, DMX had vowed to "beat Zimmerman's ass" and "piss" in his face.

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