Greg Hardy Domestic Abuse Arrest Update: Nelly Fling Triggered Panthers Player's 'Chokeslam' Assault? [VIDEO]

Greg Hardy was enraged that his girlfriend briefly dated rap star Nelly while the two were on a "break," perhaps triggering his rampage this week that ended with him allegedly chokeslamming her and throwing her on a sofa filled with as many as 25 to 30 loaded firearms.

The Carolina Panthers Pro Bowl defensive end was released from custody on domestic abuse charges Wednesday after posting a $17,000 bond, but the case remains far from closed.

Greg Hardy arrested on domestic abuse charges

In court documents filed on Thursday, 24-year-old alleged victim Nicole Holder told investigators "Hardy has been angry for a while" because of her short-lived romance with Nelly, frequently a Charlotte are visitor base don his minority ownership in the Charlotte Bobcats.

"The victim advised the defendant has been very upset about this since March and often becomes suddenly very angry," a source told ESPN. "The victim stated she was lying in bed with the defendant and he just snapped."

Greg Hardy ordered to attend Acholic Anonymous meetings

Still, Holder failed to appear in court on Thursday where a civil court judge was set to hear her request for a temporary restraining order, forcing the motion to be dismissed. Later, Holder's attorney, Stephen Goodwin, announced he was withdrawing from the case over irreconcilable differences with his client.

ESPN adds Criminal District judge Rebecca Thorne Tin stipulated the 25-year-old Hardy will still be required to attend three Alcoholic Anonymous meetings a week and not have any contact with Holder, but the judge did not honor a request asking that Hardy also be required to surrender his cache of firearms.

Both Hardy and Holder are rumored to have been intoxicated at the time of the incident, and at least one of the 911 calls phoned to police was made by Hardy, who claims Holder was the aggressor and attacked him with a high-heel shoe.

"Like, yo, she's out of it, my man," Hardy told the 911 operator. "And she will not stop coming at me, bro."

Hardy's next scheduled court appearance is June 27.

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