Sean Payton New Orleans Saints Rumors: Multiple Teams Inquiring About Coach

The Saints are not exactly looking good right now and one man that could get the boot come the offseason is head coach Sean Payton.

New Orleans hired Payton way back in 2006 and the partnership has produced three division titles and a Super Bowl plum. Aside from that, the Saints boasted of one of the most prolific offenses in the NFL.

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But it seems things haven’t exactly been going well for the Saints. After a slow start last season led to a 7-9 finish, New Orleans is seemingly on the same vote. They are 1-3 at the moment and sit in the NFC South cellar.

If things don’t turn out well for New Orleans, Payton could be in hot water. But are the Saints ready to part ways with the coach if the team continues to falter?

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There could be a chance that Payton could cut his ties with the Saints, though he is not expected to be job hunting for long. This early, a couple of teams are already inquiring about his status – the Dolphins and Colts.

Payton actually has two years left in his contract with the Saints but a possible deal involving him is not out of the picture. The Dolphins could be in the lead to land him, with Dan Campbell having close ties with Payton when both were with the Cowboys.

The Colts are considered by many as contenders and the only thing lacking is a person to guide them through that. Payton could be that guy.

Could Payton be mentoring a new club next season?

It could all depend on how things turn out this season for the Saints.

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