How to Keep Kids Safe While Playing Sports

(Photo : How to Keep Kids Safe While Playing Sports)

A lot of kids love to play sports, with statistics showing that more than 56% of American children are involved with some kind of sporting team, club, or extra-curricular activity, and many parents are rightfully proud and content to see their little ones getting involved in these games.

Sport can be a wonderful way for kids to learn new skills, discover untapped talents, find a passion that might help to shape their future, forge new friendships with their fellow players, and keep themselves in great physical condition too.

Unfortunately, as well as offering a lot of big benefits, sports also come with their own fair share of risks, and it's not uncommon for young players to end up getting injured on the field, court, rink, or other surfaces of play.

More than a million children go to the hospital every single year because of sports-related issues and injuries. While we can't eliminate the risk of these injuries entirely, we can take steps to reduce the risks of them occurring. 

The Importance of Warming Up

If you're about to take part in any kind of physical activity, it's vital to stretch your muscles and warm yourself up before the activity gets too intense. The vast majority of adults know this simple but essential rule, but there are sadly many children who are blissfully unaware of the importance of warming up.

It is vital, therefore, for parents, guardians, teachers, coaches, and other adults in positions of responsibility to teach children about why they need to warm up and what benefits it can provide. It might not be the most exciting part of playing sports, but it really can make a big difference, helping to reduce the risk of injury for every player.

Always Wear Protective Gear

There are a lot of bad injuries that can occur while playing sports. From broken bones to cuts and bruises, players of all ages can have a lot to worry about if things can go wrong, and one of the worst possible injuries of all is a brain injury. Various types of brain injuries, from concussions to TBIs, can occur when playing the likes of football and hockey.

However, wearing a helmet can have a major impact on keeping players safe from these types of injury, and it's especially important for children and young people, whose brains and bodies are still developing. As well as helmets, make sure that kids are equipped with all the necessary safety gear they need like shoulder pads, gloves, correct footwear, and so on.

Know the Rules and Follow Them

The rules of our favorite sports exist for a reason: they help to keep everyone safe and ensure that the games we play are fair and balanced. Without rules, carnage and chaos would be unleashed on football fields, basketball courts, and hockey rinks around the world, and it's important for adults to pass this message onto kids and help them understand the rules of the games they play.

Children can sometimes be a little stubborn or tempted to bend the rules to suit their own needs, so this message may need to be reinforced, but it's vital for those in positions of authority and responsibility to make sure every child follows the rules, as well as adhering to the standards of fair play and respecting one another.

Good Referees and Observant Coaches

Ultimately, a lot of the responsibility for making sure kids stay safe when playing sports is on the adults. Any coaches, referees, or other grown-up people in the area of these games need to take responsibility, understanding the rules, enforcing sanctions if needed to get the message across, and keeping an eye on every player to try and keep everyone safe.

Having trained and experienced referees and arbiters watching over children's sporting events can make a huge difference too, as those with experience are more likely to spot problematic issues early on and take the necessary action to prevent those risks from growing any bigger over time.


The risks of sports can scare some parents and might even make you worry about encouraging your little one to play games at all. In reality, while sport does have its risks, it also has so many benefits and can be an integral part of a child's healthy lifestyle. Just make sure that your child is equipped with the right safety gear and a good understanding of the rules before sending them out to play.

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