Miami Heat Rumors: LeBron James Won't Address Free Agency Until After Vacation; Will Sit Down with Bosh, Wade [VIDEO]

The Miami Heat have plenty of questions to answer about their future, but it looks like those questions won't get answered right away. LeBron James says he hasn't thought about his future just yet and will refocus on the task at hand once he returns from vacation with his family.

When asked if he needs anything from the Heat’s front office to make his decision easier, James said he understands what the Heat have done for him and he doesn't need to hear any promise from them.

"I don't need to hear anything," James said of what he expects from his meeting with Riley. "I understand what this franchise brings to the table. Like I said, I'm not at that point right now. When I get there, I will be ready to talk about it.”

Once James returns from vacation he plans to sit down with both Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade to hammer out what they plan to do for 2015-15’.

"There is a conversation that will be had between the three of us -- I think that's only right," James said. "We've earned that for each other. I don't know what Dwyane right now is thinking. I don't know what Chris is thinking right now. We'll see what happens.”

All members of the big three have early termination clauses in their contracts for this offseason and only Bosh has spoken publicly about his plans. Bosh has said he would love to stay in Miami with his current contract, but it is unknown if the recent circumstances have changed his opinion on the matter.

The big three have to make their decision soon, but until then the media will continue to speculate on what the Miami Heat players plan to do.


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