Nebraska Cornhuskers Football Player Bitten By Raccoon During Selfie, Kills It With A Wrench [Twitter PHOTO]

Nebraska Cornhuskers player Jack Gangwish had himself quite the eventful Thursday evening. Gangwish is a junior defensive end for the Cornhuskers, and he decided to pull over while he was driving last night so that he could take a selfie with a furry friend.

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According to media reports, Gangwish was out for a drive "when he spotted a raccoon on the side of the road and decided to take a picture," because that is obviously the first reaction most people have when they see a wild animal. During the photo attempt, the raccoon behaved as most people would have expected and bit Gangwish.

Raccoons are known to carry rabies, so when one bites a person, they are supposed to capture the animal so that it can be tested. Gangwish attempted to subdue his assailant with a wrench, and it ended poorly for the raccoon. A rabies test involves cutting open the animal's brain anyway, so its eventual fate was the same, but it seems like the lab technician performing the test would have used something more humane than a wrench to put the animal down.

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Gangwish apparently intended to merely subdue the animal, but in the end, "It was death by crescent wrench," said Gangwish. After the incident, Gangwish tweeted photos of the bite and rabies symptoms, complete with his own commentary.

There is no word yet on whether the animal actually has rabies, presumably because the test results are not back. There is also no word on whether Gangwish will get charged with animal abuse for approaching an animal that was minding its own business, agitating it, and the killing it after it bit him.

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