Cleveland Browns, Johnny Manziel Rumors: New Coach Must Interview With Plan For Dealing With 'Drunk' Johnny Football [VIDEO]

The Browns went with Austin Davis at QB in the 2015 season finale, because Johnny Manziel was surprisingly put in the NFL’s concussion protocol. That does not jive, however, with reports that Manziel was partying in Las Vegas, and tagging Instagram photos like he was in Ohio.

It certainly doesn’t jive with a brand new report either, which could put Manziel’s future in the NFL in jeopardy.

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ESPN 850 radio host Bruce Hooley’s tweet, combined with other reports involving Manziel and drinking, paint the picture of a man who isn’t suited to be playing pro football right now, and needs to return to rehab.

Manziel spent the offseason in rehab, but reverted to bad habits several times. He admitted to cops he had two drinks when he and his girlfriend were pulled over for fighting while he was operating a vehicle, although officers determined he was not intoxicated. He was benched a few weeks later when video surfaced of him partying and drinking during the Browns’ bye week. While that typically would be fine, most players are not recovering alcoholics. He was spotted in another video shortly after, holding a Four Loko.

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If this latest report is true, it puts the Browns in an extremely difficult position. Manziel is a player whom the Browns sunk a first-round pick into just two years ago, and he has shown some promise on the field, at least as a runner. But the Browns have moved on from the coach (Mike Pettine) and the GM (Ray Farmer) who drafted him, so the new coach must walk into his interview with a plan.

There are three options. The team can cut Manziel, and eat the loss on a first-rounder, they can have him compete with Josh McCown and/or another option, or they can send him off to rehab again and pray that he’s their long-term answer at QB.

The Browns have the No. 2 pick in the 2016 draft, so taking their next quarterback of the future is in play. The problem is that quarterback doesn’t seem to be available in this class, so treading water at the most important position in football is their probable course.

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