Money in the Bank 2014 Rumors: Backstage Plans For WWE World Heavyweight Championship [VIDEO]

The situation for WWE Money in the Bank 2014 is up in the air in regards to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and there are two possible scenarios that may be played out when the pay-per-view airs live at the TD Garden in Boston on June 29.

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Stephanie McMahon announced that Daniel Bryan will battle Kane in a stretcher match at the show if he is healthy enough to face him after undergoing neck surgery last month. Bryan's timetable for a return has been a question mark, and the WWE had to call off a planned Buried Alive match between Kane and Bryan at Payback due to his injury.

Bryan has been slated to return sometime this summer after undergoing a minor procedure, though his return to the active competition remains up in the air.

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The WWE revealed that if Bryan doesn't feel healthy enough to return to in-ring competition, the title will be on the line in the Money in the Bank ladder match, with the belt taking over as the prize instead of the briefcase with a contract inside.

Bryan's worst-case scenario for a return is reportedly Aug. 17 at SummerSlam, but the company is hopeful he'll be back at Money in the Bank or July 20's Battleground.

The WWE has reportedly decided that seven men will battle in the ladder match on June 29, and it was established on RAW that Alberto Del Rio is the first to qualify for a spot in the match after he defeated Dolph Ziggler to get into the match.

There were reports that the WWE has confirmed internally five names out of the seven for the ladder match, and one is expected to be Cesaro -- who reportedly has been discussed as the possible winner of the match.

It is unknown at this time if Bryan will be able to wrestle at Money in the Bank, but the WWE has set up a contingency plan to crown a new champion in the event Bryan's injury sidelines him into July or later. 

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