Brock Lesnar WWE Contract Dispute: 'The Beast' Close To New Deal, Triple H Wants Him To Retain At WrestleMania 31? [VIDEO]

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar is close to signing a new contract with the company, which could in turn shakeup WrestleMania in less than two weeks.

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According to, word going around the SmackDown tapings on Tuesday was that "The Beast" is close to signing a new deal with the WWE.

Lesnar stormed out of RAW on Feb. 23 due to a huge dispute with Vince McMahon that reportedly had to do with his new contract. The sides were said to be very far apart in their demands despite Lesnar appearing on the WWE's flagship show on Mar. 9.

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Though the two sides were far apart, it appears as though the impasse between the them is almost solved.

With Lesnar re-signing soon, there are also rumors that the ending to WrestleMania 31 may be changed on Mar. 29 at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, Calif.

Per the report, Triple H is pushing for McMahon to change his mind on giving the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Roman Reigns at the marquee event and believes that the belt should stay on Lesnar due to the lack of popularity behind Reigns.

"The Game" is also apparently big on making the Intercontinental and United States Championships feel important again.

The plan is if Lesnar retains, fan favorite Daniel Bryan will win the Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match while top babyface John Cena would go over Rusev in the United States Championship bout to give the midcard belts meaning.

There is a feeling that if two top stars in Bryan and Cena hold midcard titles, it will legitimize them while the two could also main event shows with the belt while Lesnar is away, if the WWE decides to book things that way.

It is possible, however, that the WWE will go through with the plan of having Lesnar lose to Reigns so that his part-time contract won't mean that the championship will be absent on key shows going forward.

A lot can change on the road to WrestleMania, but there is a possibility that Lesnar could end up continuing his reign and retaining the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

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