Michael Vick Thinks Jets Can Win Super Bowl, Wants To Be Next Kurt Warner? [VIDEO]

Eleven-years into his NFL career, New York Jets quarterback Michael Vick has found an unlikely source of inspiration: Kurt Warner.

"Kurt was blessed with unbelievable talent and uncanny intelligence," Vick told the New York Daily News on Thursday of the journeyman quarterback who came from almost nowhere to lead the Cardinals to a Super Bowl in 2008. "That helped him get to where he was. Most important, the Arizona Cardinals believed in him. People just got to believe in you. They gave him a shot. He got his opportunity and he took advantage of it."

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Now Vick is hoping for what could be his defining NFL season. Despite all but conceding the team's opening day starting quarterback job to second-year signal-caller Geno Smith earlier this month, the 34-year-old Vick expects to play an integral part in the Jets' success this season.

"I just feel like I can help any football team, any organization, particularly this football team, get to a Super Bowl," he added. "It's tough at this stage of my career because I still feel like I'm a fairly young player and I can still keep up. People make it seem like I'm getting older and things are not the same. I beg to differ."

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Despite all the pounding he sustained during his time with the Falcons and Eagles, Vick still possesses high-level athlete abilities when healthy. The Jets improved on offense with the additions of wide receiver Eric Decker and running back Chris Johnson, giving Vick more reason for optimism.

"Sometimes, I feel like I've been dealt the short end of the stick because I haven't had all those components over the years," he said. "I never complained because this is an unbelievable league, it's a great league and I've been blessed to play in it. Of course, I wish I had a Super Bowl and wish I could have accomplished more things. But, hey, I still got an opportunity and that's what I am thinking."

As for his budding relationship with the 23-year-old Smith, Vick insists he plans to serve as a mentor, though he wants to start.

"I think Geno is going to be the starter," he said. "I think he is going to start this season off. I think Geno has every opportunity to go out and have success. He is going to get that opportunity."

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