John Cena, Nikki Bella Relationship Rumors: Breakup Looming As 'Cenation' Leader's Hollywood Star Rises [VIDEO]

Nikki Bella has made it no secret that she wants to be the future Mrs. Cena, but 15-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena has balked at popping the question.

With the "Cenation" leader's Hollywood star rising, it could spell doom for the happy WWE couple. As of now, things seem mostly strong between the two, but with Cena starting to hang out with A-listers, things could quickly change.

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All-in-all, Cena appears to be a great all-around guy. He is the face of the franchise in the WWE, he's a fan favorite and a role model for kids and he even set a record for granting Make-A-Wish wishes. For her part, Bella has been very loyal to the former United States Champion and appears to be very happy by his side, but their conflicting view points on marriage could do them in.

Bella has been adamant about wanting to get married and have kids before her life passes her by. Her twin sister, Brie, is married to WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan, and kids may not be far off for the happy couple. While Bella, 31, isn't old by any stretch, she appears ready to tie the knot and have that part of her life settled.

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Cena, 38, seems to deflect the idea of weddings and fatherhood, possibly due to his past marriage ending in a divorce. Cena wedded his high school sweetheart Elizabeth Huberdeau, but they divorced after being married for less than three years. The face of the WWE has already taken the leap once, and he may not be ready to do it again.

The cliff hanger on "Total Divas" last season made it look like Cena should be worried about Bella getting back with Dolph Ziggler. But perhaps, it's the longest Divas Champion of all time who should be worrying about her man.

Cena knocked it out of the park when he was a part of the movie "Trainwreck" this summer, and the forthcoming movie "Sisters" will also feature the wrestler as he acts alongside a-listers Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. The Superstar's stock is continuing to rise outside of the squared circle and in Hollywood, and he could move on to someone else pretty soon.

For now, Cena and Bella seem to be very happy, but the cracks have already shown in their foundation and things could change in a Hollywood minute.

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