New York Knicks Rumors: Kevin Durant Interested In Coming To Madison Square Garden in 2016? [VIDEO]

2015 has seen some dark days for the New York Knicks. Even with a recent winning streak, the team is just 8-37 and dead last in the Eastern Conference.

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However, the team only has $34 million on its books after this season. That, coupled with the fact that the new CBA will raise the salary cap significantly in 2016, indicates that the Knicks are going to be major players in free agency over the next two seasons.

Kevin Durant is a free agent in 2016. The common consensus throughout NBA circles is that KD would only leave Oklahoma City if he were to return to his hometown Washington Wizards. A new report from the New York Daily News, however, indicates that the Knicks might have a shot as well.

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“No question about it,” says a person close to Durant tells the newspaper. “Kevin loves Carmelo (Anthony). It could work in New York. But never rule out the Thunder.”

Exciting words to hear if you're a Knick fan, but one that you should take with a grain of salt and a whole lot of caution. The franchise already went down this road in a similar fashion in 2010, when they courted LeBron James and Chris Bosh in vain.

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